Monday, August 6, 2012

Nightmare of an OCD mommy

so, hubby is out of town, I'm home w all 3 crummers, and my middle crummer has the stomach bug so she cant keep her meds down...we've been doing our best,
i went to the grocery yesterday to discover today i forgot the bag of meat in my mini van .... we decided to take a walk this evening to get ice cream, we got  home to my 5 yr old screaming upstairs, she thought a bird was in her room  until she saw "ears" yes folks a GD BAT!!! wtf i am supermom but not with wildlife!!! i called my neighbor who came and trapped the sucker, but now callie is anxious crying on top of me trying to crawl back where she came from, i need a reality show. How does this shit happen to me??? My friends never tell me they find bats in their houses?! TLC hook me up, Ellie refused to see it because she thought it was purple, I laughed my ass off. Snuggling my lil mamas, ugh I need a cocktail  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Life goes on

Living alone with two babies was fun, during the day. When they were in bed I was so lonely. My cousins would come stay with me or my best friend. I had dated one guy, I wasn't that into him I just liked the attention and I was 100% sure I was not sleeping with him. So, he got dumped. Well, actually I just wouldn't answer his calls. My daughters were seeing the SD a little, by this point we had established a custody agreement. And they were with me or my mother 98% the time.

Everyone would call me telling me who my ex was seeing what he was doing and where he was. And all the shit he was talking about me at the bars. Isn't it funny, a father, sitting on a bar stool, talking shit about the mother of his children? Who-the-hell do you think is sitting at home with those babies? Rocking them to sleep? Kissing them good night?! While your getting drunk. mmmmhmm I'm THAT bitch.

I thank God everyday I didn't stay with him.

I was lonely though. When my girls went to bed, I would read, clean, watch tv. I had went on one date, pathetic I know. I wanted to meet a man, but I hardly ever went out. It was so hard working and taking care of the girls alone, I had no free time..

 We met about 4 years ago. We were set up by a friend at work. I was single, not really going out and looking but my co-worker brought a photo of Calvin to work and asked if she could set us up, um hell yes. He is hot. So if anything I'd be seen in public with this sexy man. I thought he was WAY too cute for me. I had always chose to date down, I'm not sure why but I did. I was always better looking than my partner. Until Calvin.

We had texted, he lived about a half hour away, I had only been to his "town" once in my life and I was sure Id never been able to find it again. He called a few times, but he was totally in the dark as to what I looked like. My friend assured him I was beautiful but that is all he had to go by.

One night after work, a girlfriend and I went for drinks and to visit my cousin she was a waitress. In the midst of us getting down in our gossip I got a text "I'm on my way" I thought he was texting the wrong person? I replied "where?" ...."to see you" hmmm, he had no idea where I was (except the city I was in) I immediately told my gf and cousin. My friend was sure I set this up so she could be my "wing man" but I was freaking out! Anxiety OVERLOAD. I hadn't even gone home after work to redo my makeup, hair, change clothes. WTF was he thinking! I told him where we were and 20 min later and 3 cocktails, he was waiting outside. I was terrified he wouldn't be attracted to me. He texted me again "come out" So my friend and I walked outside. He is such a hillbilly. He was drunk, on his motorcycle, in a tshirt and jeans. He walked up to the staircase and said 'she sure wasn't lying!' I was confused but said "hi, I'm Casie" We chatted a few minutes, I took my gf home, and met him at a bar.

We got a beer, I ran into a ton of friends, awkward so we decided to leave and go to my friends (the one who set us up) So I followed his drunk ass a half hour to her house, in the dark, no road lights, thinking great, hes leading me out here to rape and kill me. NOONE would find me..

We arrived at my friends, had some drinks talked awhile and decided to stay the night. I got the couch, he got the floor.

Well I'm sure you can guess what happened next. An AMAZING one night stand on my friends couch, ha ha, I finally told her two years later! I expected not to hear from him, he left early to golf the next day. He called that afternoon, I was so excited! So, we started "dating" which meant he had  to drive to my place every night because of my daughters. I made him come at 8:30pm after they were in bed, I didn't know how to introduce him. Things went well, I fell fast, and hard. I love that man, he does everything to make my life easier.

One night he came to my apartment early, like 7:30. It was chaos. My girls had just had a bath and were running around streaking, squealing, laughing, giggling. He wasn't even standoffish. My girls instantly loved him too.

We had went to meet his parents one evening, they hadn't met the girls yet. They instantly loved them, they hugged them, kissed them, told them how much they loved them! it melted my heart. That day the girls called Calvin, "daddy Calvin" we froze, we didn't want to confuse them. Since that day he has been Daddy Calvin, until this past year. They have called him DADDY and their SD by his first name. Kids definitely know how to make sense of their world and the people involved.

Today, they hardly see the SD and his wife (mommy dearest) and we moved 45 min away by my in-laws. They are amazing people. They are so kind and accepting, I'm not sure what we would do without them. We have a beautiful farm house, our kids are healthy, happy and I don't deserve this life but I thank God everyday for it. And I thank my friend constantly for introducing me to the best man I have ever met, and the best Daddy in the world....

The first night we met

Sperm donor

I dated my ex, lets call him sperm donor. I dated SD for 4 years, right out of highschool. I was excited, he was four years older, he loved to party, his family partied. It was different then the way I had grown up. I guess when your 18 its fun to get sloppy and drunk, unfortunetly his parents are 60 and still doing it! To each is own I guess? Anywho, we had an uneventful relationship, I worked 6 days a week, he got drunk every night and showed up at my parents to sleep in their garden, drunk, unconsious. His parents went and still do go to a hole in the wall bar every night and drink themselves stupid. I found out I was pregnant, at 18.

I had always wanted kids, it never crossed my mind to think what kind of father he would be, because I knew I was going to be a great mom. I loved kids and if one was around I was caring for it. I was nurturing by nature, looking back I think I felt I could help SD, make him a better person. I miscarried Thanksgiving of 05. I went to the hospital with my parents, SD was out with friends. That SHOULD have been a red flag for me. Instead I immediantkly got pregnant again. I was so sick, everyday, all day. All I did was work and sleep. We moved into an apt and in Sept I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. She was 6'9oz 17in, black eyes, black hair, and had colic. Haha I thought I was loosing my mind. My mom was so helpful. She watched her when I went back to work, they have the strongest relationship. Callie adores my mother. SD and I started having issues, him getting drunk, pissing on me in my sleep, and me caring for my daughter alone was exhausting. We had bought a house in a great school district and paid out the ass for it. It needed alot of work and SD was lazy and had no ambition. My dad helped alot. When my daughter was 9mths old I found out I was having another baby, I swear I rolled into a wet dream, we never had sex!! While I was preg things got alot worse.

Eventually I found out he was seeing a married woman he worked with. I found her naked tits and face on his phone. I honestly believe if she were pretty I wouldnt have been half as mad, but the fact that she looked like her face had been smashed into cemente, crushed me. I didnt get it. And her dumbass admitted it all to me over the phone. By this time I was moved out to an apt w my daughters. I left the apt that morning, drove to our old home, left my daughters sleeping in their car seats in the driveway. When I walked into the house he was asleep in our bed. I grabbed the baseball bat behind our bedroom door and I beat the shit out of him, I think I blacked out all I can remember is going apeshit on his ass and him saying he was calling the cops. I told him he wouldnt live to call the police. The week later I printed the photo of the naked cemente face whore into 8x10s. I mailed them to her husband, mother, mother-in-law and their boss.

 After that I closed that chapter of my life. I had everything I needed, my beautiful girls, my own apartment, a great job, and great family and friends..

Here we go...

OK, here we go folks. My first blog! I've been waiting to do this (and figure out this tricky shit) and I think I'm finally understanding. I wanted to start a blog because my life is crazy, hilarious, unreal, and wonderful. I want to start a blog to keep track of things and events in my life, things I want to remember and look back on, things to help people laugh and realize hey! it happens in someone else's house too! So, here I go...

My name is Casie (pronounced Casey, yes my mother can't spell) I am just going to give you guys an up-to-date on my life. I am a partime hairstylist, at a beautiful salon and spa. I love my job, and my clients. I meet amazing, smart, talented people everyday, I am very blessed. My biggest blessings are my three crummers, Callie (5) Ellie (4) and my chubba love Easton (1) they are such funny kids, compassionate, and great little people.I am so proud to call them mine, they are definitely the best part of me. I share these crummers with an amazing man, Calvin. Their daddy, my best friend, our supporter, and the hardest working man I have ever met. He pisses me off ALOT but at the end of the day, we have the best, loving family. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

My beautiful family, Easton, Me, Callie, Ellie and Calvin